Just when folks thought ‘Cap Gun’ popularity had diminished to “collector Displays” or for those few among us who remain trapped in the 50s or 60s, along Came Parris Manufacturing of Savanna, Tennessee and a Toy Manufacturer in Castalla, Spain that operates internationally and goes by Gonher SA.
Together, they changed everything ‘Cap Gun’ related. Some say the market place is “back to the way it was”-without doubt a result of their new and improved Cap Guns & Replicas.
Both companies have worked in unison for the past several years toward reinventing the traditional Cap Gun; ranging from the Semi-automatic Pistol to the classic Double Barreled Shot Gun.
A juvenile response to the “enlightened” few who are absolutely sure Cap Guns are the devil’s gateway to mayhem and destruction could be: “Cap Guns don’t make loud noises & fill confined spaces with smoke! Caps do!” (technically, a true statement, don’t you think?)
Perhaps that ongoing controversy is why sooo very few Cap Gun Dealers choose to offer Caps as a part of their “Product Line”.
Trouble is, there are dozens of Retailers that choose to fill that void with cheap, defective and inferior 8 Ring, 12 Ring, and Single Shot (aka, “Pull offs”) Caps. Such deficiencies range from detonated Cap debris preventing the gun’s proper chamber rotation on a typical Ring Cap Gun’s sequence to a Cap that’s devoid of detonating material - resulting in a “misfire”.
Market Evidence implies the continued presence of such inferior products is a result of the “scarcity” of known quality brands and the lure of Caps priced at a penny or less per Cap. Here, the old adage, “if the price sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” typically applies to purchasing reliable caps. In-other-words, do Caps priced at less than a penny, and fire once in five attempts, constitute a savings?
Cap Gun Ammo; what you should know!
First, in July of 2008, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, always the “busy Body”, banned toy caps producing peak sound levels at or above 138 decibels. Sooo, Caps you may expect to go Bang-Bang and bellow smoke, now ‘pop’ at a lower sound level, and the smoke yield, I’m told is anemic if compared to that in the “heyday” of the Cap Gun era. Yet, outdoor play with cap guns, continues to stimulate a child’s imagination, promotes exercise and is wholesome fun!
In-any-event, to my surprise, I was unable to locate an Affiliate site that offered reasonably priced good quality ‘Ring’ and or ‘Pull-off Single’ Caps. Still, for your convenience, a little further below, I have listed a few Websites that offer Cap Gun Ammunition at fair & sensible prices . . .
Sooo, before you make a purchase, keep in Mind that:
You can clip or cut 8 ring caps apart for use in a single shot cap gun or cut several 8 Ring Caps in half, then use three “halves” to “build” the ammo for 12-Ring Cap Guns!
This is important because, 8 Ring Caps typically cost less per ‘Cap’ than ‘12 Ring Caps’ and or ‘Single Shot’ Caps!
Purchase Option I:
www.EatPlayHappy.com will cheerfully fix you up with Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans, (they’re called “Happy Bites”), Sweet Roots Gourmet Licorice in six tasty flavors and “Big Pop” brand, 8-Shot Ring Caps from their Toy Department!
Click either of the two Image-Links Below for more details. Cost per Cap ranges from 1.4 Cents to 2.3 Cents each!
Big Pop brand | 12 cards with 72 shots each | 864 Cap Gun shot Refills for 8-Shot Cap Guns | As of 12-6-2023, a single order cost = 2.3 Cents per cap at EatPlayHappy.com with the cost of shipping included | 93 reviews; Customer Rating: 5 of 5 |
***Alternatively, FREE Shipping is available on Orders Over $45.00 (4 orders total $47.96), then cost per cap = 1.4 Cents each | Typically, no Sales Taxes are applied to orders |
Purcheas Option II
Walmart.com has a generic brand of 8 Ring Caps
Click the Image-Link below for details:
Walmart.com’s generic brand of 8 Ring Caps | Product Received 4.1 Stars out of fifty-5 Star Rated Customer Reviews; one customer described the Caps as working 80% to 90% of the time | 12 Cards/pk 8 Shots Ring Cap for Toy Cap Gun (864 Shots total) | As of 12-6-2023, if Sales taxes total 6%, cost = 2.0 Cents per Cap
Purchase Option III
Walmart.com’s Super Bang brand of 8 Ring Caps.
Click the Image-Link below for details:
Walmart.com’s Super Bang brand of 8 Ring Caps | Product Received 5 of 5 Stars but with only 1 Review on the Walmart.com Store Front, however four more 5 of 5 Star Ratings can be viewed by CLICKING HERE on an ETSY.com Site; Walmart.com’s single review description: “These caps really BANG! I was very pleas[d]” | 6 Cards/pks 8 Shots Ring Cap for Toy Cap Gun (432 Shots total) | As of 12-6-2023, if Sales taxes total 6%, cost = 7.0 Cents per Cap - the ETSY.com price is a bit higher.
● On-the-other-hand, do you have a “Dollar Tree Store” near you? If so, as of 12-06-2023, you could purchase a case of 48 packs of 8 Ring Caps like those showcased above for 1.3 Cents per Cap (that’s 4,608 shots for less than 65 Dollars with State and Local Sales Taxes at 6% included). The catch: In-store pickup is mandatory-they obviously are sure if they get you in their Brick & Mortar Store, you’ll buy something else-which would be an excellent idea as that would help keep the “scheme” afloat!
Use this Link: https://www.dollartree.com/super-bang-ring-caps-96-shot-packs/141209 to check it out then to find a store near you, use this Link: https://locations.dollartree.com/.
Purchase Option IV
“Pull Off” Single Shot Caps by Parris Mfg.
Click the Image-Link below for details:
“Pull Off” Single Shot Caps, a product of Parris Mgf, Company | 6 Cents per Cap as of 12-06-2023| Product received 4.6 Stars out of five-5 Star Customer Reviews; typical examples of Reviews: These caps are super loud. Almost the same as a real pistol being shot off. & The caps are great, only about 2-3 of them failed.
Overall, the best Ring Cap brand is typically said to be the “Cowboy Collection” brand, a Parris Manufacturing Company Product which can generally be found by Clicking the Image-Link below:
This ETSY Store Front Carries the “Cowboy Collection” (including hard to find 12 Ring Caps) along with various other Brands and sizes.
Another thing you may want to know:
Remember that 2008 Consumer Product Safety Commission ban on toy caps producing loud Bang-Bang sounds and excessive smoke levels. Believe it or not, there are still a few of those “pre-law” caps floating around the marketplace! They’re called Vintage Caps and are generally sold in bulk quantities.
Vintage Caps Purchase Option I:
When I looked (12-07-2023), 50 cases of the Vintage brand displayed below was $199.00 with free Shipping from Tenafly, New Jersey. Click the “Image-Link” below left for details:
Vintage Caps Purchase Option II:
When I looked (12-07-2023), a nine, “8 Ring” package of Vintage Lion™ Brand (72 Caps) was $2.96+ a $4.44 Shipping fee ($7.40 total) from California. This low-cost purchase is perfect for determining if “pre-law” Caps are worth the effort
| Click “Image Link” below for complete details:
Vintage Caps Purchase Option III:
Again, on or about 12-07-2023, I stumbled upon an unusual source for Vintage 12 Shot Ring Caps by the case | It seems Dave Zurick with “Great Garloo Toys Mishmash & Hodgepodge” in East Windsor, NJ must be contacted by Phone or e-mail | Here is Dave’s e-mail address (dzrave@yahoo.com) and text number (609 212-6649) | Basic info, such as price and shipping cost can be found by Clicking the “Image-Link” below:
That’s it! Now, enjoy your visit
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