
Why buy a Replica Gun? 

Guns may forever remain a fixture of American culture, even though mass shootings continue to grow as increasing homicide rates become the “norm”.     While the US Congress remains deadlocked on how to best address this devastating issue, perhaps it’s time for you to act in their stead! To do so, you should be “armed” with a few […]

Why buy a Replica Gun?  Read More »

International Space Habitat on Venus Revealed!

The Complete Story . . . FakeNews terms the project “awe-inspiring”! Not just because it has miraculously remained an international secret for more than 20 years!  It’s at least “astonishing” because the project’s lofty goal is now a reality, which was to construct a series of twenty (20) adjoining Controlled Ecological Life-Support Systems, each capable of

International Space Habitat on Venus Revealed! Read More »

The Age of “8 Round”, “12 Round” & “Single Shot” Caps; everything you need to know!

Just when folks thought ‘Cap Gun’ popularity had diminished to “collector Displays” or for those few among us who remain trapped in the 50s or 60s, along Came Parris Manufacturing of Savanna, Tennessee and a Toy Manufacturer in Castalla, Spain that operates internationally and goes by Gonher SA. Together, they changed everything ‘Cap Gun’ related. Some

The Age of “8 Round”, “12 Round” & “Single Shot” Caps; everything you need to know! Read More »